Secure Your Data While on a public wi-fi network
When using a public wi-fi network there are always dangers because people will constantly be trying to steal some unencrypted information. Even though a site may display https, that may only indicate that the page is secure, however the login is still unencrypted and the data can easily be stolen. Below is a video by ThatSnazzyiPhoneGuy, showing how easily your information can be stolen:
Towards the end of the video, he mentions a program called GetCloak. We have been using the application for quite a while and we feel that it works great. It is really nice that it is easy to install and simply requires a quick toggle to turn it on, Also, the cloak will not use your current IP, so you will have fully anonymous browsing in terms of your IP. Another great thing is that you may be able to access certain websites that were normally restricted because of IP restrictions. The only disadvantage of the application is the time limit and that it may slightly slow your connection speed because your contents will have to go through a secure server AND then to you.